Joy and Gratitude

When Stacey and I decided to launch back in 2021, our goal was “to bring joy and beauty to our customer’s lives.”  We are so lucky that we’ve been able to experience that over and over again! The JOY we get from handwriting a note to include with a gift for a friend’s new baby or new home is heartwarming. Helping curate that perfect gift “just because” consistently reminds us why was born. 

As we are now upon the week of Thanksgiving, we are feeling such GRATITUDE for YOU and what we’ve created. We often laugh because the learning curve has been a steep one!  “Are we still learning?” we constantly ask each other, but we also realize that learning is how we grow and how we REALLY appreciate how far we’ve come. 

Throughout the holidays, our hope is that you can find silver linings, in the small things and the big. That you can be gracious with your time and talents. Stop to say “thank you” to anyone who makes your day a little better (I can assure you that you’ve made theirs better too!) and know that if you need help finding that perfect gift, home fragrance or cozy wrap, we’re always here to help! 

Thank you for helping us discover the amazing JOY in this journey, we send warm wishes to you and your loved ones this Thanksgiving!

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